The play is about the myth of Lysistrata, referencing The Hamletmachine, by Heiner Müller. Two characters, a woman of undefined age claiming to have been Lysistata, and a young woman, Myrrhine. The woman claiming to have ben Lysistrata is alive right now, soliloquizing on what she sees around her –wars, massacre, destruction– describing the dark side of the world, still dominant today, admitting the failure of her mission. On the other hand, Myrrhine, young and vivacious, glorifies life, love and the beauty around her. Lysistrata admits the fiasco of her quest and then proceeds to sacrifice her comrades.
- Engish (Anthi Zachariadou)
1 male - 1 female
3 male
2 male
2 female
4 male - 2 female, 1 cat
5 male - 1 female
1 male - 2 female
From 2005, when Antonis Georgiou made his debut (with his play My Beloved Washing Machine) until the beginning of 2019, when this text was...
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